Embarking on a technical expedition within the vast expanse of an open-pit coalmine in Wyoming, our mission was clear: harness RoadGuard technology to enhance operational insights. Positioned within the cabin (without the secure fastening of RoadGuard onto the truck’s frame, vibration-measurements will actually be less accurate) RoadGuard diligently logged data over a 15-hour stretch. This dataset, captured at a frequency of 100 Hz from the full 6-axis IMU, amounted to a substantial 6 million data points. Our objective? Delve into windrow detection—a pivotal facet of mining operations, integral to safety and efficiency, known colloquially as the “brim” in the United States.
Unloading a haul truck
The unloading process in a pit mine involves a carefully orchestrated sequence of movements to efficiently empty haul trucks of their load. As a loaded truck arrives at the designated dumping area, it typically maneuvers into position and aligns itself with the edge of the pit or dumping point. Once properly positioned, the truck then begins to reverse, aiming to back “into” the brim—a raised edge or boundary that marks the dumping area. As the truck backs up, the driver relies on the sensation of the wheels hitting the brim as a tactile cue to stop and initiate the dumping process. This precise positioning ensures that the load is deposited accurately and safely within the dumping area, facilitating efficient material handling and minimizing the risk of spillage or mishaps during unloading operations.
Despite meticulous procedures, accidents occasionally occur in pit mines where haul trucks inadvertently move over the brim, resulting in tipping over the edge. Tragically, such incidents have led to fatalities in the past, underscoring the critical importance of precise maneuvering and adherence to safety protocols during the unloading process.
Feature extraction
By defining a GPS search window centered around the location where haul trucks dump their load, we honed in on crucial moments within the unloading process. What emerged from this analysis were two distinct features evident in the waveform data. Firstly, a discernible waveform in the horizontal plane signaled the precise moment when the truck’s wheels made contact with the brim—a critical reference point for the unloading operation. Subsequently, a higher frequency vibration emerged in the vertical direction, directly attributed to the movement of the load as it exited the bucket. This consistent pattern, observed across numerous unloading events captured by RoadGuard, underscored the potential for precise and reliable event detection, offering invaluable insights into operational efficiency and safety within the mine.
Driver benchmarking with RoadGuard
Automated analysis of events such as the truck hitting the brim (windrow, berm) with RoadGuard presents a powerful opportunity for driver benchmarking within mining operations. By capturing and analyzing data from a fleet of haul trucks, RoadGuard enables the calculation of average event occurrences, serving as a benchmarking tool for individual drivers. This data-driven approach allows for the assignment of a performance score to each driver, promoting heightened awareness and accountability regarding their maneuvering techniques in relation to hitting the brim. Such driver benchmarking not only fosters a culture of safety and operational efficiency but also provides actionable insights for targeted training and improvement initiatives aimed at enhancing overall performance across the fleet.
Interested in leveraging RoadGuard technology to enhance safety and efficiency in your mining operations? Contact us today to learn more about our solutions and how they can benefit your business.